Theatre Under the Stars
In 1996, Cathy and Bob Binstock shaped the future of accessible arts education in Houston when they started dance class for a small group of children with disabilities, including their daughter Samantha, who had been denied the opportunity to participate elsewhere. From a handful of dancing children, the Binstocks’ dream of arts for all grew into The River – a nurturing and encouraging place where students experience the joy of self-expression through music, dance, acting, and visual arts.
With the support and guidance of the Binstocks, The River continued to grow and expand in profound and new ways, merging with Theatre Under The Stars in 2010. Through this merger, The River and TUTS have been able to open more doors for children who are often overlooked when it comes to participating in the arts. The River’s classes and opportunities expanded to include programming for young adults, an inclusive performance troupe that has performed at many notable events across the city including performing the National Anthem at a Houston Texans game, and the opportunity for students to perform in the TUTS mainstage productions. Since 1996, The River has served nearly 40,000 students and siblings throughout the Greater Houston area.
The River offers courses throughout the year in voice, dance, acting, and visual art.